
A centurion was the commander of a century in the Roman army, which meant 100 soldiers.
We’re adapting that phrase to represent someone who is the commander of the 100 years they’re given on this earth.


Delaying Disease
The Body



The Spirit

Living to 100+

What is a Centurion?

A centurion is someone who is 100+ years while still being mobile, flexible, adventurous, fun, and generally badass.

Right now we use the term “Centenarian” to honor our elders that have reached 100+ years old. This term often associates Centenarians with being fragile and reliant on others. There are centenarians living around the world in “Blue Zones” who are living much longer than average.

Our Purpose

The Centurion Movement

We want to be
Mountain Bikers in our 70’s

We want to be
Powerlifters in our 80’s

We want to be
Yogis in our 90’s

We want to be
Runners in our 100’s

Out of every one hundred soldiers, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle…ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and the one will bring the others back.