We all recognize the world is changing, and changing fast. Here is a quick reflection on the way I see some of the biggest forces changing our society over the next 10-20-50 years. 

1) Bricks to Clicks – Amazon is eating the world fueled by the transition from in-person physical retail to laptop-based sales. Ecommerce still accounts for just about 15% of all retail sales and this rate of growth seems to be continuing to increase. This industry has allowed me to start developing a location-independent career based out of my laptop and has allowed many others to do the same. 

2) Clean Energy – Society seems to be inevitably moving to renewable energy sources and electricity. Elon Musk and Tesla are leading this charge, and there is an entire global shift that must eventually follow this trend. The electricity grid is the biggest machine that humans have ever created, spanning entire nations. This system will at some point be converted into a renewable system or fall apart, so betting on the inevitable seems to be profitable. 

3) Health Care – Has your doctor ever helped you stay healthier? If you’re like me, I’ve only spoken to a medical provider when I’m in my absolute worst states and need immediate help. I’ve never had a doctor talk to me about how to live in my optimal energy states or access my highest levels or peak performance. I’d like for this not to be the case, and many others share that mindset. Consistent bloodwork will be a regular occurrence in our future, and a whole lab of sensors and tests will be available to you in the objects you use every day. 

4) Digital Currency – TO THE MOON!!!!! I was recently approached by a mid-50-year-old at a coffee shop who wanted to talk about Bitcoin. When that happens, you know that new technology has reached societal acceptance. In the upcoming periods of hyperinflation and devaluation of the US dollar, people are looking for stable stores of value and gold is not always the answer. The gentleman I mentioned earlier told me that gold was the best store of value for the mechanical age, whereas now hodl appears to be the best store of value for the digital age. 

5) Power – Is America the preeminent power that it used to be? China has its 2049 plan to become a world leader by the 100th anniversary of its current party taking power. Does the US seem to have any kind of global ambition? Are we striving for anything right now? Or are we being taken apart by internal conflict? It seems like we have a very strong anti-American movement in our culture right now that’s focused on us vs. us. I worry that this forgets about our status in the world more broadly and limits our ability to innovate and lead as we’ve always done. 

I think the broad point here is to look to contribute along the rise of a large-scale technological or social shift. These are some of those shifts that appear from my perspective, however, I’m sure others pop into your mind that I didn’t include here. 

What seems to be the most important societal or technological change from your view?